

Owner of the website:

Dot and dash

Agency for communication and design

Dr.-Schuhwerk-Strasse 15
D-79837 St. Blasien

Telephone +49 (0) 7672/481695

Person responsible for content according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Udo Ehrenfeuchter


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Severability clause:If parts or individual formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity.

General Terms and Conditions for Graphic Design (AGG)

These general terms and conditions apply to all contracts concluded between the designer and his client. The terms and conditions are agreed if the client does not object to them immediately after receipt.

1. Copyright and rights of use
1.1 The designs and final drawings may not be altered in the original or in reproduction without the express consent of the designer. Any complete or partial imitation is prohibited.
1.2. In case of violation of point 1.1., the client must pay the designer a contractual penalty of 200% of the agreed remuneration.
1.3. The designer transfers to the client the usage rights required for the respective intended use. Unless otherwise agreed, only the simple usage right is transferred. In any case, even if he has granted the exclusive usage right, the designer remains entitled to use his designs and copies thereof for self-promotion.
1.4. Transferring the rights of use to third parties requires a written agreement between the designer and the client. The rights of use are only transferred to the client after full payment of the fee.
1.5. The designer has the right to be named as the author on the copies (hard and soft copies). If the client violates the right to be named, he is obliged to pay the designer a contractual penalty of 100% of the agreed remuneration. This does not affect the designer's right to claim higher damages in the event of a specific damage calculation.

2. Remuneration
2.1 The remuneration is a net amount, payable plus statutory VAT and without deduction.
2.2. Payments are due upon delivery of the designs. If the designs are accepted in parts, a partial payment of at least half of the total fee must be paid upon acceptance of the first partial delivery.
2.3. If the designs are used again or to a greater extent than originally intended, the Client is obliged to pay compensation for the additional use.

3. Third-party services
3.1. The designer is entitled to order the third-party services necessary to fulfil the order in the name and for the account of the client. The client is obliged to grant the designer written authorization to do so.
3.2. If, in individual cases, contracts for third-party services are concluded in the name and for the account of the designer, the client is obliged to indemnify the designer internally from all liabilities arising from the conclusion of the contract, in particular from the obligation to pay the price for the third-party service.

4. Ownership, obligation to return
4.1. Only rights of use are granted for drafts and final artwork, but no ownership rights are transferred. The originals must be returned to the designer undamaged no later than three months after delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
4.2. If the drafts or final drawings are damaged or lost, the client must reimburse the costs necessary for their restoration. The right to claim further damages remains unaffected.

5. Release of data
5.1. The designer is not obliged to hand over data storage media, files and data. If the client wishes the designer to provide him with data storage media, files and data, this must be agreed in writing and paid for separately.
5.2 If the Designer has made data media, files and data available to the Client, these may only be modified with the consent of the Designer.
5.3 The risk and costs of transporting data storage media, files and data online and offline are borne by the client.
5.4. The designer is not liable for defects in data storage media, files and data, except in cases of intent or gross negligence. The designer's liability is excluded for errors in data storage media, files and data that arise when importing data into the client's system.

6. Correction, production monitoring and sample documents
6.1 The Client shall provide the Designer with proof samples prior to the reproduction.
6.2. If the designer is to carry out production monitoring, he and the client will conclude a written agreement to this effect. If the designer carries out production monitoring, he decides at his own discretion and gives appropriate instructions.
6.3. The Client shall provide the Designer with ten flawless samples of all reproduced works free of charge.

7. Liability
7.1. The designer is only liable for damages that he or his vicarious agents cause intentionally or through gross negligence. This also applies to damages that result from a positive breach of contract or an unlawful act.
7.2. The sending and return of work and templates is at the risk and expense of the client.
7.3. By accepting the work, the client assumes responsibility for the accuracy of text and images.
7.4. The designer is not liable for the admissibility and registrability of his designs and other design work under competition and trademark law.
7.5. Complaints and objections of any kind must be made in writing to the designer within two weeks of delivery. After this time, the work is deemed to have been accepted as being in accordance with the contract and free of defects.

8. Freedom of design and templates
8.1. The designer has creative freedom within the scope of the order. If the client wishes to make changes during or after production, he must bear the additional costs.
8.2. If the execution of the order is delayed for reasons for which the client is responsible, the designer can demand an appropriate increase in the remuneration. In the event of intent or gross negligence, the designer can also assert claims for damages.
8.3. The client guarantees that he is entitled to use all templates provided to the designer and that these templates are free of third-party rights. If, contrary to this assurance, he is not entitled to use them or if the templates are not free of third-party rights, the client shall indemnify the designer internally against all claims for compensation from third parties.

9. Final provisions
9.1. In the event that the Client does not have a general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany or moves his registered office or habitual residence abroad after conclusion of the contract, the registered office of the Designer shall be agreed as the place of jurisdiction.
9.2 If any of the above terms and conditions are invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions.

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