About Us

Live and act sustainably –

How and where does this work?

Our goal with “SONAVITA” is to make sustainable topics and offers in our region accessible to as many people as possible.

For this reason we created “SONAVITA”.


We are very interested in sustainable, ecological offers that protect the environment around us and its resources. It is often not easy for customers and consumers to filter out those that operate sustainably from the multitude of offers.

With "SONAVITA" we want to draw attention to sustainable companies and products, especially in the Southern Black Forest, Upper Rhine and Breisgau region, because we believe that sustainable living and acting can and should take place on our doorsteps wherever possible. We want to make our readers aware of the economic and ecological impacts on ourselves and our environment that result from our consumer behavior. Show solutions to shape our future together in a sustainable way. The motto also applies here: “Think globally – act locally!”

The aim is to create a network that connects sustainable topics, companies, products and consumers. This creates a sense of community and from this grows the responsibility and importance for consciously sustainable living and acting.

That's why we are naturally particularly open to new topics and products that already exist or are currently being developed in our region and that we haven't heard about yet. It is important to us that a sustainable movement emerges in our region that works together as a kind of organism. If you would like to make a contribution and be part of it all, we would be delighted if you contacted us.

You can reach our editorial team at: info@sonavita.de

Thank you very much.

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