Anton Huebner

Health from the cornucopia of nature

“HÜBNER knows

where his roots ared“

ANTON HÜBNER has been producing traditional and innovative health products since 1936 and successfully selling them in over 40 countries. The company never forgets its origins - the Black Forest. For this reason, the company remains true to its region and supports social and cultural institutions.

How it all began…

"Nature has given us everything we need to stay healthy" - was the credo of the famous herbalist Sebastian Kneipp. Inspired by this, country priest Josef Hurst developed a bronchial syrup for the treatment of respiratory and lung complaints in the idyllic village of Häg in Wiesental around 1920 together with pharmacist Dr. Eduard Hiepe, the Schwarzwald-Tannenblut®, which is now known across national borders - and the company was born. Since company founder Anton Hübner brought the production of Tannenblut® bronchial syrup from Wiesental to Ehrenkirchen, a lot has happened.

Today, the company's product portfolio does not only include Tannenblut® - the range extends from natural cold remedies to medicinal strengthening preparations for individual organs and for skin, hair and nails to mineral and vitamin preparations; it includes gentle cosmetic products based on traditional medicinal plants such as aloe vera, arnica, marigold and horse chestnut as well as so-called super food products, e.g. black cumin oil, turmeric and ginger drops and medical products with silicon gel such as silicea gastro-intestinal. Over the years, HÜBNER has developed into one of the most successful and well-known health food manufacturers.

Commitment to the region

Despite its success, HÜBNER has never lost sight of the origin of its products and feels a special connection to its homeland. Since 2014, the traditional company from Kirchhofen has been supporting the Southern Black Forest Nature Park in its goal of making the Southern Black Forest more species-rich and flower-rich. In this way, the food supply for insects, which has declined in recent years, is to become more diverse and provide welcome food for flower visitors.

In addition, HÜBNER was the main sponsor of the open-air cinema on the Batzenberg and supports local clubs, such as the cycling and motorsport club in Ehrenkirchen (RMSV). The music club in Offnadingen and the anniversary camp of the local youth fire brigade have also found a local sponsor in HÜBNER. But the company is also involved beyond the borders of the Black Forest. HÜBNER supports the "Germany against colon cancer" campaign all year round and also the DKMS in the fight against blood cancer. Under the motto: "Companies can save lives", the non-profit organization offers company campaigns, as part of which HÜBNER offered all employees the opportunity to register as stem cell donors in 2018.

As a family-run nature and health company, HÜBNER also promotes the health of its employees. One example of this is the company sports, which often take place outdoors in the summer - in the middle of the Markgräfler vineyards. The company's shop is also located there. The address and opening times can be found at:

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