healthy eating

Our nutritional tip!

"You are what you eat"

Your immune system is at work for you around the clock. Whether in the blood or in the mucous membranes –your defense cells are everywhere and always ready for action.

As soon as they register a foreign body in the organism, they raise the alarm and rush to the scene. To ensure that your immune system works as well as possible, you should keep yourself healthy and fit: exercise in the fresh air and oxygen, as little stress as possible and enough sleep are a good start. The right, balanced diet is just as important for your immune system.
Vitamins, trace elements and secondary Plant substancesstrengthen your defenses and enable your immune system to function safely in the long term. Because if your immune system does not get the nutrients it needs,is it weaker  .

LaVita optimizes our daily diet. Balanced and holistic with all important vitamins and trace elements.

LaVita optimizes our daily supply of micronutrients (vitamins and trace elements)

In everyday life, it is not always easy for us to take optimal care of ourselves. LaVita can support your daily diet with the best properties of over 70 natural ingredients and all important vitamins and trace elements.

LaVita is scientifically dosed

Micronutrients are involved in almost every metabolic step in our body. They are important for maintaining health1. LaVita contains all the important vitamins and trace elements in scientifically based doses, which the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has confirmed to be important for the immune system.

LaVita contains iron, vitamins C, A, D, B6, B12, folic acid, copper, selenium and zinc - all relevant micronutrients that support the normal function of the immune system.

LaVita has the best role model:
The nature

Vitamins and trace elements work best hand in hand, they complement each other. In nature, fruits and vegetables contain more than just oneNot just one vitamin or trace element, but a variety. LaVita contains not only vitamins and trace elements in balanced quantities, but also enzymes and secondary plant substances. In this way, LaVita uses the synergy effects of a natural diet.

Balanced dosage for a broad foundation of micronutrients

The ideal is to always increase the overall micronutrient level - this way we can avoid imbalances. LaVita optimizes the supply of micronutrients on a broad scale every day.

Bioavailability scientifically confirmed

An internationally published study proves that the vitamins and trace elements in LaVita reach the cells. All substances measured in the blood, from vitamin A to zinc, increased significantly, mostly highly significantly, when taken daily.

Neuroendocrinology Lett. 2015 Sep 12; 36(4):337-347, Director Prof. Mosgöller, University of Vienna

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One product for everyone

No matter whether you are a child, teenager, woman or man, mother, senior citizen or competitive athlete - a liquid and delicious product like LaVita can be easily integrated into everyday life. Many people like to drink LaVita first thing in the morning with breakfast, for example.

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