HolzHaus Bonndorf

Sustainable construction starts with the building material

Comfortable houses from the Black Forest

The slow-growing spruces and firs in the densely wooded low mountain ranges of the Black Forest provide excellent local timber. This was already used by the builders of the traditional Black Forest farms typical of the region.

The company HolzHaus Bonndorf, based in the southern Black Forest, is committed to the traditional craftsmanship of wood construction, but combines this with the latest technical innovations and high aesthetic standards in terms of function and design. The flexibility inherent in wood construction results in a wide range of design options. This creates a wide stylistic range of architecture, ranging from traditional to modern. In all houses, the wood material is consciously and skillfully showcased both inside and out. The smallest of details ensure a harmonious overall picture.

Building biology-healthy living environment

The company philosophy includes sustainable, biological and ecological construction, which is also certified by the Institute for Building Biology Sustainability (IBN) and awarded as "recommended from a building biology perspective". This means that only certain, ecologically sound and carefully selected materials are used. "We want to build every house as if it were for ourselves" is the motto of the two managing directors Bernhard and Florian Hegar. "To do this, we use technically dried wood without any chemical treatment, insulation materials made from natural materials such as soft wood fiber or cellulose flakes." Many of the suppliers have their roots in the region. Purchasing local building materials is a clear commitment to the homeland, while at the same time avoiding long transport routes and creating and maintaining jobs, which benefits value creation in the region.

On request with full service

With a highly trained team of 90 employees, HolzHaus Bonndorf offers a complete service. And even with a contractual price and deadline guarantee. This includes holistic advice and planning tailored to the individual needs of each customer. This is usually done by the company's own, permanent architects. However, customers can also come with a free architect's plan. Another specialty of the Bonndorfers is the interior design of a house with stairs, kitchens and furniture by the in-house carpentry shop. The trades, which are perfectly coordinated visually and in terms of their functionality, turn the houses into a "total work of art" - one could say. Custom work "made in BlackForest!"

House examples

Examples of interior design


HolzHaus Bonndorf GmbH Im Breitenfeld 14 D-79848 Bonndorf

Telefon 49 (0)7703-91040


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