Shaping the future now

Make the future sustainable now!

Almost every day we receive reports of extreme weather, melting glaciers or drying up rivers. The rigorous deforestation of our rainforests is having a massive impact on the weather worldwide. Climate change can no longer be denied.

We humans are at a crossroads in our history: if we want to stop climate change, we must not only save energy in the future, but also generate it in an environmentally and climate-friendly way. This is why the development and expansion of renewable energies has been promoted for years.

Solar and hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, wind energy and biomass are not only climate-friendly, but also available in almost unlimited quantities. Fossil fuels, on the other hand, are finite and in nuclear and coal-fired power plants only about a third of the energy put into the power plants reaches the end user. In addition, the production of nuclear power produces radioactive waste, the storage of which is still an unsolved problem and at the same time poses an enormous risk potential for future generations.

We must act now to protect our planet. This starts with each and every one of us here in the region. True to the motto: “Think globally – act locally!”

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