Autohaus Schmidt

Share of electric cars in Germanyd has doubled

Higher subsidies, more offers from car companies: You can also see more and more electric cars on the streets of the southern Black Forest and the Upper Rhine. Electromobility protects the climate and the environment, promotes technological innovations and enables new business models. It is a task for society as a whole and includes many more components than just the electric vehicle: many components, from drive technologies to charging infrastructure, together make up the electromobility system. At the center of this system are the users, for whom the issue of environmental protection also plays a major role.

In this country, electromobility benefits from the "e-car subsidy" - some manufacturers offer very attractive conditions for their electric models. The drivers of the positive development of electromobility in Germany are currently the "plug-in hybrids". These can be charged via charging stations, normal sockets or the built-in combustion engine.

The advantage: If you mostly drive short distances, you are usually driving purely on electricity and, if you charge your car consistently, you are helping to keep the air clean and significantly reduce noise emissions. This is a great thing for us, especially as we live in a region where others go on holiday and seek relaxation. The combustion engine is only needed for longer journeys. It is precisely this safety and flexibility that makes the "plug-in hybrid" so successful at the moment. Since more and more electricity is generated from renewable sources, electrically powered vehicles have a positive effect on the ecological balance. In the future, the batteries installed in electric vehicles could even be used to store electricity for private households. This would relieve the load on the power grid at peak times and would have a balancing effect.


Car dealership Schmidt

Am Schwandbächle 2

79872 Bernau in the Black Forest

Telephone 07675-244

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