Bee deaths

Bee deaths due to 5G?

Mobile phone radiation weakens the immune system

Scientists at the American Beltsville Agricultural Research Institute found that dead bees have a severely weakened immune system. "What is extremely alarming is that the deaths are accompanied by symptoms that have never been described before. The animals' immune systems seem to have collapsed, with some bees suffering from five or six infections at the same time" (Diana Cox-Foster).

But how can this be explained? The immune system only works optimally when cell communication is working properly. The diverse biochemical processes in the cells are controlled with the help of electromagnetic impulses. The problem with mobile communications is that their artificially generated frequencies are exactly in the frequency range of these natural biological processes, but are much stronger. The immune system is therefore no longer able to perform its task optimally. Bees become ill and die.

By the way: Cell communication in all living beings works the same, including humans!

Orientation and communication disturbed

The artificially generated electromagnetic radiation not only affects the immune system, it also overlays the earth's natural magnetic field. Bees have the ability to detect the direction and changes in the earth's magnetic field and can use this to orient themselves. However, if this natural earth's magnetic field is constantly overlaid by man-made electromagnetic radiation, they lose their orientation and can no longer find their way back to the hive.

The bees also communicate with each other using electromagnetic fields. They use the waggle dance to tell each other the direction and distance to good sources of food. With small magnetite crystals in their rear ends, they generate frequencies between 180 Hz and 250 Hz. Data transmission in mobile communications takes place using a high carrier frequency and a modulated low pulse frequency. This pulse frequency of 217 Hz is exactly in the range of the waggle dance and thus impairs the natural communication of the bees.

Bees are vital for the survival of our planet!

When collecting nectar, the bees pollinate the flowers of meadow flowers, shrubs and fruit trees, among others. The latter can only produce fruit if a busy bee has previously visited the fruit blossom. This shows us how important bees are for nature. In addition, the honey produced by honey bees is an exceptional food with a variety of healthy active ingredients.

It's good that there are beekeepers in our homeland who are wholeheartedly committed to beekeeping. If you buy local honey varieties from local beekeepers, you are indirectly helping to ensure the pollination of our orchards.

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